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Traditionally, with the support of MTB Bank, the Jubilee Fifth Annual Conference "Financial Monitoring in Ukrainian Banks - Wartime Challenges, Technology Development and New Regulatory Requirements" was held in Kyiv.
On October 26 and 27, financial monitoring employees had the opportunity to congratulate each other and discuss the urgent issues facing the financial monitoring system:

· Challenges related to war
· Technology development and its impact on the effectiveness of the control environment
· Transformation of the financial market
· Requirements of regulators in rapidly changing conditions

One of the moderators of the conference, the head of the financial monitoring department of our bank, Olga Kolesnikova, emphasized: "We always support such events, because it is an effective platform for communication, exchange of important experience of specialists, development of joint steps to solve problematic issues that arise during the implementation of financial control systems monitoring. The participants of the conference and I "checked" the direction of movement in the field of FM, discussed urgent problems, decided how to act as a "united front" in communication with the regulator regarding the search for ways to implement new requirements."

An important part of the work of the conference was the reports and discussion of the digitalization of the banking services market, and therefore the issue of building an effective control system of such an important segment is currently urgent, which was also discussed at the meeting.
It is nice that a large audience of listeners joined the event in an online format.

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