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Duty branches of PJSC "MTB BANK" - Power Banking >>>

Credit score from "Credit-rating"

Credit rating - photo - mtb.uaLong-term credit rating of the PJSC “MTB Bank” was awarded on the 29th of May 2007

For the several years the credit rating of the bank has raised to the level “uaAA+”, the forecast is stable and is preserved until nowadays.

Credit rating of the Bank is the long-term one and is reviewed 1 time per six months.

The last confirmation occurred on the - December 24, 2024.

This level characterizes the Bank with high credibility in comparison with other Ukrainian borrowers, reliability of its debentures. It confirms its transparency, reliability and financial stability.

Credit rating is the evaluation of the financial state of the borrower and is the independent opinion of the rating agency and its credibility

This rating is awarded according to the National rating scale.

Credit rating is the universal tool for evaluation of the reliability of the debentures of the borrowers by the scale specially developed for the evaluation of the credit risk in the conditions of the Ukrainian market.

Credit rating - photo 2 -

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