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For several years PJSC “MTB Bank” has preserved top positions in deposit and credit ratings, awarded by the specialized independent rating agency “Credit Rating”.
Level “5” position of the reliability rating of the bank deposits (the highest level) was awarded to PJSC “MTB Bank” on the February 24, 2009.
Since that time the rating is monthly confirmed at the same level.
The deposits reliability evaluation criteria are considered in the short-term period and the ratings are constantly updated (1 time per month)
The last confirmation occurred on the - December 24, 2024.
Such rating is the highest mark of the bank deposits reliability and was developed by the agencies in order to protect the customers and increase their awareness regarding the reliability of the banking institutions.
Such rating position characterized Bank as the stable, reliable and minimally exposed to the external factors. The probability of the problems arising with the timely return of the deposit allocated in the PJSC “MTB Bank” equals zero.
The Deposits Reliability Rating represents the independent opinion of the agency on the ability of the Bank to timely and completely perform the responsibilities taken on bank deposits return in the nearest 12 months.
Deposit reliability rating is awarded to the bank by the specially designed scale and represents the deposit reliability level in the bank in comparison with the other deposits in other Banks of Ukraine.
PJSC “MTB Bank” holds leading positions in ratings that characterizes it as reliable partner, the financial institution with strong perspectives in development. Top rating positions were achieved mostly due to the fact that the Bank doesn’t use NBU refunding, including stabilization credits. At the same tie it continues to fulfill its responsibilities for the customers fully and timely.
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