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Duty branches of PJSC "MTB BANK" - Power Banking >>>

Credit for the purchase of real estate

From UAH 100,000 to UAH 20,000,000
Real annual interest rate: from 30,42% tо 72,77% annual
From 1 to 15 years

Have you been planning to buy a home for a long time? Are you a young family and want a new apartment? PJSC "MTB BANK" provides the opportunity to apply for a loan to purchase real estate on favorable terms. A mortgage from MTB Bank is a type of loan granted for the purchase of real estate. The basic idea of a home loan from MTB Bank is that the borrower receives a loan against the security of his property, usually a house or a flat. If the borrower wants to take a loan from the bank, he or she agrees to pay monthly installments that include the loan amount and interest. As the borrower repays the loan, he or she becomes the owner of the property for its full value.

Calculator for "Credit for the purchase of real estate"

Advantages of a Home Loan With MTB

Affordable loan amount. 
One of the main advantages of the offer is a wide range of the amounts that can be obtained on credit — from UAH 100 thousand to an impressive UAH 20 million. 

Convenient repayment terms. 
 An important aspect is the flexibility of the offered loan repayment terms — from 1 to 15 years. You can choose the optimal period depending on your financial possibilities and plans.

Real annual interest rate.
It varies from 30.42% to 72.77%. This range allows you to choose the best terms depending on your financial capabilities and repayment plans.

Fixed interest rate.
It ensures the stability of your monthly repayments, which makes managing your finances more comfortable. 

Personalized approach.
Every client is important to us, so we offer an individual approach to each borrower. 

Easy way of registration
Our qualified staff will contact you as soon as possible to provide you with all the necessary information, answer your questions, and help you with the process..

To apply for - fill out an application and our officer will soon contact you.



Loan currency: hryvnia

Loan term: From 1 to 15 years

Interest rate per annum: 24,7%

One-time commission: 0,99% of the loan amount

Loan collateral: purchased real estate

Own contribution: from 30% of the property value

Officially confirmed income

Additional payments, including additional and related services under the loan
How to get a mortgage

You can take a loan or participate in a mortgage program in one of the following ways:

  • submit an application online
  • call us at the indicated numbers
  • order a callback.

After checking the documentation, our specialists will approve the application, and you will be able to receive the money.

Необхідні документи

The package of documents for buying real estate in the secondary market is the same as in lending under real estate pledge:

  • copy of the passport of the owner of the residential property;
  • certificate of marriage or its dissolution;
  • TIN;
  • documents confirming ownership;
  • BTI registration documents;
  • certificate about the absence of arrears from utility payments;
  • help from ZEU;
  • documents confirming the absence of any obligations regarding the object (lease or shared use) .

Find out the full list, as well as familiarize yourself with the terms of other credit programs («KeshVash », «Pledged real estate for consumer purposes» etc. d.) You can call the hotline number 0-800-500-255

According to Art. 17 of the Law of Ukraine «On Consumer Lending» The Borrower has the right

Attention! According to Art. 17 of the Law of Ukraine «On Consumer Lending» The Borrower has the right to repay the consumer loan in full or in part ahead of schedule at any time, including by increasing the amount of periodic payments, notifying the Lender in writing.

Also, the Borrower has the right to cancel the consumer loan agreement (credit card) within 14 calendar days from the date of this agreement (in case of cancellation of such agreement, the client pays interest for the period from the date of receipt of funds to the day of their return at the interest rate established by this agreement, and performs other actions provided for by the Law of Ukraine “On Consumer Lending” or the agreement).

Warnings and possible consequences
Warnings and possible consequences

The client has the right after termination of the agreement on the provision of banking services, including in connection with the expiration, termination or execution of such an agreement, to contact the bank with a request for information (certificates) relating to the fulfillment by the parties of their obligations established by the contract, including information (certificate) about the absence of debt and full fulfillment of the client's obligations under the contract, which the bank provides in the form of a paper or electronic document (at the choice of the client) within five working days from the day the bank receives such a request.


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Warnings and possible consequences

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Standard loan agreement (non-revolving line of credit)

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Appendix 1 to the loan agreement

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Appendix 2 to the loan agreement

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Repayment of a loan

How Is the Loan Repaid? 

Via Branch Cash Deck
Customers can visit a physical bank office, contact qualified staff and deposit the amount required to repay the loan. Cash transactions offer a high level of privacy, which is important for those who value their financial security.

Through Our Mobile App
Through our MTB360 mobile app, customers can make payments, check balances, receive notifications of upcoming payments, and monitor their financial flows. This not only saves time but also helps to maintain financial discipline with minimal effort.

Frequently asked questions

Terms and Conditions for Obtaining a Property Loan
Home loan application procedure:
  1. You can leave an application on our website, indicating the necessary information;
  2. Or, you can contact us at the phone numbers provided so that our experienced consultants can answer your questions and provide additional information;
  3. You can also order a callback, and we will call you back at a convenient time;
  4. Once the application is received, our specialists will carry out the necessary document verification and approve the application if everything is in order.
Documents Required to Apply for a Loan
  1. A copy of the passport of the owner of the residential property. This document not only certifies identity, but is also the basis for further steps.
  2. Certificate of marriage or its dissolution. This is important for taking into account marital status and determining joint obligations.
  3. TIN. This number is necessary for mortgage registration, it provides transparency of the financial status of the applicant.
  4. Documents confirming the right of ownership. This is a certificate of ownership or a purchase and sale agreement.
  5. Registration documents of the Technical Inventory Bureau. Information from the Technical Inventory Bureau confirms the compliance of the property with the established standards and is an important component for the lender.
  6. Certificate of absence of arrears on utility payments. This ensures that the object is free from financial encumbrances.
  7. Certificates from the housing and utilities department. They confirm the current state of the object and allow a more detailed assessment of its value.
  8. Documents confirming the absence of obligations. For example, rent or joint use of the object.
Loan (credit card) application

After You have sent an application, a Bank officer will call you and inform you about the procedure of execution of the service package in the Bank department.

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