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Duty branches of PJSC "MTB BANK" - Power Banking >>>

Depositary Instituion Services

The bank performs its professional activity on the stock market – depositary activity:

Depositary institution PJSC “MTB BANK” is a client of the Central Depositary of Ukraine (“National Depositary of Ukraine”), National Bank of Ukraine, and also the member of Professional Union of Capital and derivatives’ markets’ members.

Depositary institution PJSC “MTB BANK” offers the full spectrum of depositary services for legal entities, for residents and for non-residents of Ukraine.

List of operations

Department of depositary activity:

Postal address: 65026, Odessa, Polskyi Descent, 11, 3 floor, off.306.

Contact number: (0482) 301-354, (048) 786-95-50, internal number: 1358, 1791



Announcement on holding a general meeting of shareholders AT NVP "VEGA"  more details

We would like to inform you about the remote holding of the annual general meeting of participants of PJSC ZNKIF "SYNERGY-5" on September 25, 2024  more details

Announcement on remote extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of PJSC "CENTRENERGO" more details

Announcement on remote annual general meeting of shareholders of PJSC "RNA "VERES"  more details

Announcement on remote extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of JSC "OPZ" more details

Announcement on remote annual general meeting of shareholders of PJSC "VERES" more details

Notifies about the holding of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of JSC "PFTS Stock Exchange" on June 27, 2024.more details

Announcement of holding an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of JSC "OPZ" on 05.07.2024 more details

Protocol on holding the annual general meeting of shareholders of PJSC "ZNKIF" SYNERGY-4 more details

Protocol on holding the annual general meeting of shareholders of ZNKIF "SYNERGY CLUB" PJSC more details

Ballot template for voting at the remote annual general meeting of participants of ZNKIF "SYNERGY-4" PJSC more details

NOTICE of the holding (convening) of the general meeting of the PJSC MTB BANK on 05/23/2024.  more details.pdf.p7s more details.doc.p7s  

PJSC "MTB BANK" announces the payment of dividends to the owners of preferred shares based on the results of 2023. more details

Announcement on holding a remote general meeting of shareholders of JSC "NPP "VEGA"  more details

Announcement on the remote extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of ZAVOD "EKVATOR" JSC  more details

Protocol on holding the regular (annual) general meeting of shareholders of ZNKIF "BOND STRATEGIES" JSC  more details

Notification of a corporate event based on the results of the general meeting of the participants of JSC ZNVKIF "Faraday" more details

Notice of changes in the agenda of the general meeting of JSC "PFTS Stock Exchange" more details

Notice on the convening of the general meeting of shareholders of JSC "UKRTELEKOM", which will be held remotely, the date of the General Meeting is 04/19/2024 more details

Notice of convening remote extraordinary general meeting of shareholders PRIVATE JOINT STOCK COMPANY "RESPECT INSURANCE COMPANY" more details

Аnnouncement on remote general meeting of shareholders of PJSC "CENTRENERGO" more details

Announcement on remote annual general meeting of shareholders of ZNKIF "SYNERGY-4" PJSC more details

Notice to all persons who are owners as of the date on which the list/register is compiled or the date of accounting of the rights to securities of the owners of ZNVKIF "FARADEY" JSC  Bulletin  Cumulative Bulletin

Ballot template for voting at remote annual general meetings of JSC "ZNKIF" BOND STRATEGIES more details

Announcement of amendments to the draft agenda of the remote annual general meeting of shareholders of JSC "OPZ".  more details

Notice on holding the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of JSC "PFTS Stock Exchange" on April 29, 2024.  more details

Announcement on remote general meeting of shareholders of PJSC "Mykytivskyi Granite Quarry"   more details

Announcement on remote general meeting of shareholders of PJSC "CENTRENERGO"  more details

Notice of the holding (convening) of the general meeting of the joint-stock company "MUKACHIVSKY ZAVOD "TOCHPRYLAD" PJSC 04/24/2024 more details

Notice on the convening of the annual general meeting of shareholders of ODESAGAZ JSC, which will be held remotely, the date of the General Meeting is 04/26/2024  more details

Notice on the holding (convening) of the general meeting of PJSC "MTB BANK" on April 26, 2024  more details

Notice of holding (convening) general meeting of PJSC "MTB BANK" joint-stock company on 04/26/2024 more details

Announcement on remote general meeting of shareholders of PJSC "ISRZ"  more details

Announcement on remote annual general meeting of shareholders of PJSC "Atomservice" more details

Announcement on holding the annual general meeting of shareholders of MUKACHIVSKY ZAVOD "TOCHPRYLAD" PJSC  more details

Announcement on the regular general meeting of shareholders of PJSC "SK RESPECT" (hereinafter - the General Meeting), which will be held remotely on April 26, 2024.  more details

Announcement on holding the annual general meeting of shareholders of JSC "Raiffeisen Bank"
 more details

We inform you about the holding of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of JSC "HOLODMASH" on April 26, 2024 more details

Announcement on remote general meeting of shareholders of PJSC "Concern-Electron" more details

NOTICE of the holding (convening) of the general meeting of the joint-stock company VOLYNYOBLENERGO PJSC on April 26, 2024
 more details

Announcement on holding the annual general meeting of shareholders of PJSC "ODESKY PORT REFRIGERATOR" more details

Announcement on the remote general meeting of shareholders of "VESNA" SPJSC more details

Announcement on holding remote annual general meeting of shareholders of ZNKIF "SYNERGY CLUB" PJSC more details

Announcement on holding remote Regular (annual) General Meetings of JSC "ZNKIF "BOND STRATEGIES" and Templates of Bulletins for participation in meetings" more details

Announcement of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of PJSC "OZRSV"  more details

Announcement on remote general meeting of shareholders of "Ukrainian Dishes" PJSC more details

The announcement about the holding of secret meetings of shareholders of the PRIVATE JOINT STOCK COMPANY "BILOVODSKY BREAD PRODUCTS PLANT"
more details

Announcement on holding the annual general meeting of shareholders of PJSC "INPROEKTSSERVIS" more details 

Announcement on remote annual general meeting of shareholders of PrJSC "Santa Ukraine" more details

NOTICE on the holding of the annual (regular) remote General Meeting of participants of ZNVKIF "FARADEY" JSC on April 16, 2024.   more details

Announcement of the annual general meeting of shareholders of Odessa Port Plant JSC more details

Announcement of the annual general meeting of shareholders of the Private Joint Stock Company "Zhytomiragrotekhnika" more details

NOTICE of the next general meeting of the PRIVATE JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ZAPORIZKY ZAVOD VZKOGO KRANOBUVANNYA" which will be held remotely on April 26, 2024 more details

Announcement on remote general meeting of shareholders of MTB BANK PJSC» more details

Announcement of the holding (convening) of the general meeting of the joint-stock company "CENTRENERGO" PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY. more details

Announcement on holding an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of JSC "OPZ" more details 

Announcement on holding the annual general meeting of shareholders of PJSC "INSURANCE COMPANY "RESPECT" more details  

Announcement on holding the annual general meeting of shareholders of PJSC "VOLYNOBLENERGO" more details  

Notice of changes regarding the shareholders' meeting of PJSC "Bilovodskyi KHP" to be held on 04/13/2023 in more details

Notice of changes regarding the meeting of shareholders of PJSC RNC "VERES" to be held on 05.12.2022 more details

Announcement on the holding of the annual meeting of shareholders of PrJSC "ISRZ". more details 

Announcement on holding the annual meeting of shareholders of PJSC "RNC" VERES " more details 

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