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Duty branches of PJSC "MTB BANK" - Power Banking >>>

Digital banking. Recipe grovth -2023

Digital banking. Recipe grovth -2023 - photo - mtb.ua

Deputy Chairman of the Board of MTB Bank Ilya Klymovych took part in the International forum: "Digital banking. Recipes growth -2023". The forum was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine, the National Bank of Ukraine, banks, fintech companies and market experts.

The forum was designed to create new meanings in the functioning and regulation of banking and non-banking services markets, in the implementation of innovative technologies at the national level.

Ilya Klymovych, as part of the panel discussion, exchanged opinions and forecasts with the participants of the forum regarding future fintech trends and challenges in 2024 and the bank's experience in digitizing business processes and implementing innovative technological solutions during the war. He also spoke about how MTB Bank prepared for the winter period and possible power outages and about new technologies that the bank used during the war to ensure continuity of banking services to its customers.

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