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5 books that I would advise a 20-year-old to read: Rostyslav Ivanov recommends

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5 books that I would advise a 20-year-old to read: Rostyslav Ivanov recommends - photo -

Hello everyone!
Rostislav Ivanov is in touch.

I want to share with you books that I would recommend to my 20-year-old self.
If you are a young person striving to achieve success, here are my TOP 5 books that can help you on this path.

 "Think and grow rich" – Napoleon Gill. This book – a real bible for everyone who dreams of financial independence. She will teach you to think like a millionaire and use your thoughts to achieve big goals. Audacity and ambition – that's what's a priority here!

"Seven habits of extremely effective people" – Stephen Covey. Do you want to keep up with everything and even more? Then this book is for you! Stephen Covey talks about habits that help to be effective in all areas of life. This is a book about how to create your perfect day and be in harmony with yourself.

 "Blue Strategy of the ocean" – W. Chan Kim, René Mauborn. Do you want to stand out from the crowd and create something unique? This is your guide to the world of innovative thinking. This book will teach you how to find new markets and always be one step ahead.

"Rich Dad, Poor Dad" – Robert Kiyosaki. One of the most popular books on financial literacy. She will change the way you think about money and teach you how to invest properly. Personally, she helped me understand the importance of active income and investments.

"The richest man in Babylon" -  George Clayson. This book – a collection of wise money management advice that is still relevant today. Easy writing style and inspiring stories make it a must read.

Don't put off what can change your life today! Take an example, read, develop and achieve ambitious goals.

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