MTB Business Payment module | MTB Office Electronic document management system, registration of products and services |
Today it is more important than ever to constantly learn and develop.
The modern world is changing rapidly pace, and in order to be one step ahead, it is necessary to constantly acquire new skills and knowledge.
And thanks to Visa cards from MTB Bank you have a unique opportunity to study at leading business schools and universities.
You can study at British Council, FutureLearn, Emeritus, 2U GetSmarter and edX with discounts up to 20%!
Learn English language with the best teachers, choose courses from leading universities and world-class organizations, get knowledge from top business schools and improve your qualifications thanks to special programs.
Knowledge and new skills open up huge opportunities for you. They allow not only to improve your professional qualities, but also to make you more competitive in the labor market.
Our country needs highly qualified, educated people capable of strong and worthy competition to world-class specialists!
Choose your educational platform for learning and self-development, and get special discounts from with a Visa card from MTB Bank!
Because WIN MY Bank
Take an example, read, develop and achieve ambitious goals.
Rostislav Ivanov shares his experience
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