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MTB Bank supports Ukraine's energy independence!

MTB Bank supports Ukraine's energy independence! - photo -

MTB Bank is proud to announce its participation in the signing of an important memorandum on preferential lending for projects to restore the energy infrastructure of Ukraine

This initiative united the country's 17 largest banks, whose net assets as of May 1, 2024 make up more than 83% of the total assets of the banking system of Ukraine! MTB Bank's representative at this event was Deputy Chairman of the Board Ilya Klymovych. Having signed this memorandum, we undertake to make every effort to organize affordable credit for entrepreneurs implementing projects aimed at increasing the level of energy independence of our country

This includes the construction of solar, wind, biogas plants, installation of industrial storage batteries and other energy-efficient projects. The amount of the loan will depend on the segment and can range from 500,000 euros to 25 million euros. The client's own contribution should be from 10% to 50% depending on the size of the project.
The term of the loan will be up to 5-7 years, MTB Bank always stands by the interests of our clients and the country, contributing to the development of energy independence and stable future.

Let's build energy independence of Ukrainian business together!

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