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Program "Partial compensation of the cost of agricultural machinery and equipment of domestic production"

Program "Partial compensation of the cost of agricultural machinery and equipment of domestic production" - photo - mtb.ua

Attention agricultural producers!
Now you have a wonderful the opportunity to get modern machinery and equipment for your agro-industrial complex with the help of the partial cost compensation program!

The purpose of the program:
Provision of agricultural enterprises with domestic machinery and equipment for efficient work in the fields and in the farm.

Amount of compensation:
You will receive 25% of the cost of equipment and equipment (excluding VAT)!

How to get compensation?
Choose a technique or equipment from domestic machine-building enterprises, which are included in the list of the Ministry of Economy. Make the purchase with your own funds or get additional financing by making a down payment of 25% of the cost of the machinery or equipment.

Don't miss out this unique opportunity to raise your economy to a new level of efficiency and productivity!
Learn more about the conditions of the program at MTB Bank!

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