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The other day we implemented our first leasing agreement under the “Affordable Leasing 5-7-9” within the framework of which they financed the purchase of railway platforms manufactured by our domestic manufacturer TAS DNIPROVAGONMASH LLC for a total amount of about UAH 34 million
This agreement is a great confirmation of our WIN-WIN strategy, because the company receives the modern support it needs, and the national manufacturer - support
Thus, we we promote the development of transport infrastructure and stimulate the economy, creating favorable conditions for all participants
Affordable leasing 5-7-9% program offers favorable conditions for the purchase or modernization of the main vehicles and vehicles for commercial and industrial purposes. You can get financing up to UAH 90 million for 5 years at a rate of 5%!
An important component of this program is the list of priority industries with a low rate: agricultural producers, processors, financing of the reconstruction of fixed assets damaged or destroyed as a result of hostilities, acts of terrorism, sabotage caused by military aggression of the Russian Federation
By using this program, you reduce the financial burden, open up the opportunity to modernize your business and restore damaged assets, getting the opportunity to return to effective work!
If you are not yet familiar with such a financial instrument as "leasing", contact us, our specialists will gladly advise you
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