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Online banking for business
Duty branches of PJSC "MTB BANK" - Power Banking >>>

Do you need to make currency transfers quickly and comfortably anywhere in the world?

Do you need to make currency transfers quickly and comfortably anywhere in the world? - photo - mtb.ua

We are happy to tell you about our service - instant currency transfers to cards abroad in more than 50 countries, as well as to Union Pay (China) cards. What is particularly interesting: the option of transfers to Union Pay (China) cards is available only at MTB Bank! So, if you plan to cooperate with Chinese partners or have business relations with China, then come to us!

But the best thing is that you can carry out all these operations directly in MTB360 without even leaving your home: open a digital card, buy currency online and immediately make a transfer abroad - we took care, that everything was fast and convenient! Transaction limit: UAH 100,000 (equivalent in foreign currency), monthly. Just enter the card number and the name of the recipient and make the transfer in minutes.

Therefore, do not delay and join MTB360 at the link: https://www.mtb.ua/ mtb-360 to access these and other financial opportunities! With us you are always one step ahead in global financial technologies!

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