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Duty branches of PJSC "MTB BANK" - Power Banking >>>

News for everyone who dreams of their own home!

News for everyone who dreams of their own home! - photo - mtb.ua

MTB Bank has now become part of the eOselya program!
Now you, our clients, have a unique opportunity when it comes to getting a mortgage through the eOselya program!
Ukrfinzhitlo and MTB Bank have joined forces to make dreams of owning a home even closer to reality. Now you can choose our bank when applying for participation in the program in the Diya application. We are happy to be a part of this wonderful initiative that helps people realize their dream of owning a home.
The initiative of the eOselya program is fully in line with our development strategy, focused on providing digital services and meeting the needs of our customers.

More than 9,000 families have already reached their goal since October 2022! Your dream of owning your own home becomes a reality together with MTB Bank and the program eOselya!

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