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Duty branches of PJSC "MTB BANK" - Power Banking >>>

Improve your financial prospects with MTB Bank

VIP Banking
Improve your financial prospects with MTB Bank - photo -

With the MTB360 application, opening deposits is fast and as convenient as possible, wherever you were not.
Diversify your deposits in different currencies for your own financial peace. For our part, we made sure that it was as profitable as possible, so opening deposits in MTB360 you can get:
- up to 14.8% in hryvnia
- up to 2.15% in USD
- up to 1.4% in euros

Why should you choose deposits from MTB Bank? - it's about reliability and stability for your savings - it's protection guarantees and guaranteed profitability - it's profitable rates that allow you to maximize your income in a minimum period of time Make deposits in MTB360 today and ensure financial stability and capital growth.

"Deposits in MTB360 – this is maximum ease of design and confidence in the future. Investing with us, you make a smart choice to preserve and increase your savings." - Yurii Kralov, Chairman of the Board of MTB Bank.

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