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MTB Bank through the prism of Yuri Kralov: A common path through the years

VIP Banking
MTB Bank through the prism of Yuri Kralov: A common path through the years - photo -

Hello friends!  

I — Yurii Kralov, Chairman of the Board of MTB Bank. Let's get to know each other better, because my story is closely intertwined with the history of our bank

 After graduating from Odessa Polytechnic University in 1998, I joined the Maritime Transport Bank. It was here that I realized that the financial sector – this is my calling
 Together with the bank, we went through a lot changes and challenges, but each of them made us stronger. In 2007, we became part of Marfin Popular Bank, and in 2017 we received a new name – MTB BANK. It was a time of incredible opportunities and important decisions.
What drives me at work?  This is an opportunity to make real changes and see how our bank grows and develops. We are always trying to introduce new technologies and improve our services.
My advice for young people – don't be afraid to dream big. Always believe in yourself and your abilities. Find time to develop, don't be afraid to take risks and step outside your comfort zone. Your ambitions and perseverance – the key to success.
 I am always interested in sharing my experience and to see young people striving to achieve their goals.

I hope my stories can to inspire you and show that even the most difficult challenges can be overcome.

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