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Online banking for business
Duty branches of PJSC "MTB BANK" - Power Banking >>>

New opportunities for small businesses from MTB Bank - connecting the trade acquiring service for individual entrepreneurs is now online!

New opportunities for small businesses from MTB Bank - connecting the trade acquiring service for individual entrepreneurs is now online! - photo - mtb.ua

Thanks to the updated functionality in the MTB Office personal account, the process of ordering POS terminals for sole proprietors has become even simpler and more convenient.

Order trading terminals without leaving the office through the MTB Office electronic account. Consideration of the application by the Bank - no later than the next business day.

Now applications, questionnaires, registration of terminals, signing of documents and their editing - without any visits to the bank.  

Improve your business thanks to the simplicity and convenience offered by MTB Bank!

# MTBBank #TradeAcquiring # Sole Proprietorship #BusinessSolution # MTBOffice

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