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My world outside of work: Rostyslav Ivanov about his personal life

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My world outside of work: Rostyslav Ivanov about his personal life - photo -

Hello friends!

I am Rostislav Ivanov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of MTB Bank, and today I want to tell you a little about what I do outside of work.
My life is very dynamic and I always try to keep myself in shape. One of my favorite activities is fitness. Exercising regularly helps me stay energized and focused, and helps me deal with stress. After all, stress resistance is one of the most important qualities that helps me in work and life.

Another important part of my life is my family 'I. Despite my responsible position, I always find time for my relatives. They are my inspiration and support in everything. It is very important for me to be near my loved ones, share joyful moments with them and support them in difficult times. Family is my support and I always put it first.

Music and literature occupy a special place in my life I am always looking for new tracks and books that can inspire and expand my worldview. I believe that quality music and a good book can make any day better. Despite my busy schedule, I always find time for myself and my hobbies. It helps me to be optimistic and maintain a sense of humor in all situations.

I believe that it is the balance between work and personal life life is the key to success. Always remember: it is important not only to work, but also to find time for what brings you pleasure.

Invest in yourself , do what inspires you and you will see how it will improve your life!

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