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The key to success: Ilya Klymovych

The key to success: Ilya Klymovych - photo - mtb.ua

With the onset of the pandemic in 2020, the world changed and the paradigm shifted from a VUCA-world to a BANI-world .
The name was introduced by James Cascio from the Future Institute (USA). - Fragile (B - brittle) - Anxious (A - anxious) - Nonlinear (N - nonlinear) - Unclear (I - incomprehensible)
What to contrast with such a world? And how should companies conduct business? Today, in the world of business, companies that adapt to changes the fastest and are constantly developing win. Develop anti-fragility, be able to react quickly and invent new plans in changed circumstances, involve intuition and emotional intelligence, develop non-linear thinking. My role at MTB bank is to implement digital changes (CDTO), and I am convinced that in order to reach the top in the financial world, you need to constantly improve your knowledge and skills. That is why I always learn something, attend courses, seminars, get new certificates.

  At the moment, I am studying at Kyiv-Mohyla Business School (KMBS) on Olga Shcherbyna's author's course "Management: the art of making managerial decisions". For me, this course — the opportunity to gain new knowledge, exchange experience with managers from other sectors of the economy and businesses, and accordingly use the experience gained to introduce modern management approaches and innovations into the practical work of MTB Bank. Education is a key factor in achieving success. It allows us to be more efficient in our work, make informed decisions and implement innovations, which is important for the continuous improvement of our services.

Thanks to the acquired knowledge, I can better manage processes at MTB Bank, implement new technologies, influence strategic processes that help our company remain competitive and meet the modern BANI world. MTB Bank always supports the aspirations of its employees for training, professional development, and revealing their own talents. We believe that investment in education is the best investment in our future.
Therefore, I urge all my colleagues and partners not to stop at what has been achieved, but to constantly look for new opportunities for growth and improvement.

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