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Balance between work and family

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Balance between work and family - photo -

Hello everyone!
We continue to get to know Tetyana Balesna, Deputy Chairman of the Board of MTB Bank .

Today, she will share her personal thoughts on balancing career and family, as well as how she manages to find harmony in everyday life.

Today I want to share with you my personal thoughts about work-life balance. As a woman who built a career and raised a son, I can confirm that this is not just a challenge, but a real art. And this day is special for me – today is my birthday, and I once again reflect on how important it is to find harmony in life.
When I gave birth to my son, it became clear that the combination of Pregnancy and motherhood will require a lot of strength and effort from me. But over time, I realized that the key to success is organization and support of loved ones. My son was and still is a great inspiration for me. He gave me the motivation to go forward even when it was difficult.
I want to emphasize that it is important to find time for family, even when work takes up most of your time day Time management has become the main tool for me in achieving this balance. Planning each day, setting priorities and delegating tasks – all this helps me find time for my son and family. It is important not only to work effectively, but also to rest effectively.

I believe that the balance between work and family – it's not about how much time you spend at work or at home, it's about the quality of that time. Support of loved ones – this is what helps me overcome all difficulties and has always been important to me.

Stay organized, plan your time, appreciate your loved ones and don't forget to give them your attention. They – your greatest motivation and support.

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