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"Know" and "protect" go hand in hand

"Know" and "protect" go hand in hand - photo - mtb.ua

Today, on the Day of Knowledge, for the first time, more young Ukrainians will sit down at their desks than last year - 340,000!

And in general, about half a million children will return to classroom education.

We congratulate all schoolchildren, students and their parents, teachers on the Day of Knowledge!

Congratulations to all of you! Because everyone was sitting at the desk and heard the solemn bell. And continues to learn all his life. Let's believe in our strengths and abilities. And then great success awaits us!

Now is the time to remember who you are. Master the nightingale, expand your vocabulary - our language is sincere and rich in the reflection of emotions and meanings, respect traditions, learn to be real Ukrainians.

Peaceful heaven to all who are learning to live in war conditions for the second year, defend the country on all fronts and bring Victory closer.

Happy holiday!

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