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Today is the main holiday of our country

Today is the main holiday of our country - photo - mtb.ua

Today is the main holiday of our country and we asked Wikipedia – what is independence?

 for a person - the ability to make independent decisions that obey one's own wishes and interests and do not need external instructions and orders
 for the country - political independence, lack of subordination, sovereignty
And we really agree with this interpretation.

Every day, Ukraine proves to the whole world that it is an independent and sovereign state.

 We remind you that Ukraine gained full state independence after holding a referendum on December 1, 1991, when "for" expressed 90.32% of citizens.

This year, our national holiday is more special than ever, because August 24 marks one and a half years since Ukraine resisted a full-scale enemy invasion.

 We stand in line, defend our independent country and pay a very high price for it every day, but all this for the sake of one thing - freedom, the flourishing future of our country and Victory!

 Happy Independence Day, Ukrainians!

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