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A unique complex for lime burning in the Frankiv region has begun to operate!

A unique complex for lime burning in the Frankiv region has begun to operate! - photo - mtb.ua

Chairman of MTB BANK Yury Kralov celebrated his birthday only the day before, as on the second day he was already seen in the Frankiv region, where he visited the bank's branch and, together with the managing branches of the bank in the Western region, Vitaly Kharchuk and Dmytro Tkachenko, took part in a significant business events.


The national producer of lime and limestone of the highest quality, the group of companies "Galvapno" launched a unique complex for lime burning with SYNTHESIS technology from the Italian company  QualiCal International, which corresponds to the highest level of environmental safety.


The chairman of the board together with the managing branches personally attended the ceremonial launch of the complex because in 2021 MTB BANK became a participant in a large investment project implemented by the Galvapno group of companies, and supported and financed the start of construction.


«I want to express special thanks to our partner MTB Bank. It was this bank that believed in us, in our project and provided financing for the start of construction of the complex. And also during the whole time provided partner support, business advice, shared experience to optimize processes and contributed  the earliest possible launch of the project", - noted the investor and owner of the Galvapno Group. Ilya Marchevskyi.


Ilya Marchevskyi explained that after passing the final stage of processing, the company's products are transferred for the production of metal, asphalt, for use at power and nuclear plants, and are used in the construction industry. This producer of lime and limestone is to some extent focused on the pharmaceutical and cosmetology markets, because lime powder is a component of toothpastes and some cosmetology products.


«We are pleased that we took part in such an important project, this is a new, ecological production,  new jobs and an impetus to the development of the region as a whole, - stressed Yurii Kralov. -  Being around and supporting such promising projects is one of our priorities.


Just today, in such difficult times,  it is extremely important that business does not stop, continues its development, and businessmen who, despite all the difficulties, go forward, become an example for everyone, inspire new achievements, cause a desire to support projects that are most important for the country as a whole. MTB Bank is always ready to lend a hand and help in the implementation of such initiatives. Together to Victory!

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