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Up to UAH 100,000 per day can be withdrawn in cash from the account in national or foreign currency during martial law in Ukraine.

However, as of March 8, 2022, the National Bank of Ukraine introduced separate rules for citizens who are in territories under threat of occupation by an aggressor state.

In the mentioned territories, bank clients can withdraw cash from their accounts in national and foreign currencies without restrictions. Restrictions may be imposed by commercial banks due to the lack of ability to issue cash at branches, branches or ATMs. The decision to issue such funds is made by the head of the bank and may delegate it to the head of the branch/department of the bank.

How to safely withdraw cash in territories under threat of occupation by an aggressor state?

  1. It is worth calling your bank's hotline and finding out which specific branches and branches are working or will be working in your city/district in the coming days. This question can be asked in the personal account of the bank or the chatbot of the bank branch. In addition, the necessary information can be found on the banks' websites.
  2. During the telephone conversation with the manager, it is important to clarify the rules of operation of the branch or branch of the bank in the territory under threat of occupation by the aggressor state. The fact is that banking institutions can make changes to the schedule or rules of operation of their branches and offices, guided by considerations of the safety of employees and customers.
  3. When you come to a bank branch or branch in a territory under threat of occupation by an aggressor state, you can try to withdraw cash from an ATM or cash register. If there are problems with cash withdrawal, you should contact the bank manager for help.

It is important to remember that all decisions regarding banking operations in the mentioned territories are made by the head of the bank. He can also delegate these powers to the head of a branch or branch of the bank.

Read more information about the conditions for using financial services during martial law in Ukraine on the special portal of the National Bank of Ukraine at the link:


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