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Duty branches of PJSC "MTB BANK" - Power Banking >>>

To the creators of the world - financial education!

To the creators of the world - financial education! - photo - mtb.ua

The head of the Kyiv central branch of the bank, Sokolov, and the head of the department of innovative projects, Yakovlev, told the smart teenagers of KMDSh how to save, accumulate,  to invest correctly and what is financial thinking in general and what role does a creative approach play in money management.

The meeting was so successful that they agreed on the next one. Even the topic has already been chosen: E-hryvnia.

So everyone is looking forward to continued communication.

Educational marathon as part of Global Money Week continues!

#GameLearningWellbeing,  #GMWUkraine2023,  #PlanYourMoney,  #PlantYourFuture,  #GMW2023

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