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Global Money Week -23: Карты, деньги… банкомат

Global Money Week -23: Карты, деньги… банкомат - photo -

The educational marathon on financial literacy held by MTB Bank as part of the World Money Week is coming to an end. But we took such a pace that it is almost impossible to stop J

In Cherkasy, the bank's specialists organized Open Days for high school students and held lectures for business college students.

Schoolchildren were told about money, cards, ATMs and security in the financial world, and students were reminded about the security of online payments, the possibilities of mobile applications and what Open banking is and where the financial world is moving in general.

For the best questions, listeners were awarded 500 UAH certificates from the Yakaboo online book store!

#ГраНавчаньяДобробут,  #GMWUkraine2023,  #PlanYourMoney,  #PlantYourFuture,  #GMW2023

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