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MTB Bank employees save lives!

VIP Banking
MTB Bank employees save lives! - photo -

 We are proud of our colleagues who once again united for a great goal.

In two days, 30 employees of MTB Bank in Odesa, including the Chairman of the Board, became blood donors.
Thanks to their initiative collected 13.5 liters of blood, which can save up to 135 lives!

Why is this important? Each donor can save the lives of three people. In these difficult times, when support and help are especially needed, our employees have shown a great example of how to help those in need.

We invite you to join! If you haven't become a donor yet, think about it.
Your blood can be a lifeline for someone. Together we can do more!
Join us and become a donor! Together we will make the world a better place. #MTBBank #Donation

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