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Ratings of MTB BANK increased

Ratings of MTB BANK increased - photo - mtb.ua

National rating agency "Rurik" On June 4, 2021, PJSC "MTB BANK" increased long-term credit rating of the borrower up to the level of uaAAA- investment category with the forecast "stable" and reliability rating of deposit deposits of MTB BANK PJSC to the  r5 level.

The long-term credit rating of the borrower is   determined according to the National rating scale, which is indicated by the letters "ua" in the credit rating. The national rating scale allows to measure the distribution of credit risk in the economy of Ukraine without taking into account the sovereign risk of the country and is intended for use in the domestic financial market of Ukraine.

According to the National  of the rating scale, approved by Cabinet Resolution No. 665 dated 04/26/2007, a borrower or a separate debt instrument with a rating of uaAAA is characterized by the highest creditworthiness compared to other Ukrainian borrowers or debt instruments. Sign "-" indicates an intermediate level of rating relative to the main levels. The forecast is "stable" indicates the absence of prerequisites for a change in the rating level in the near future.

When determining the reliability assessment of deposits, the most significant factors affecting the level of reliability were summarized. The most significant positive factors include acceptable diversification of active operations and resource base  Bank, as well as sufficient liquidity indicators.

Reliability level r5 means very high reliability of deposits, the bank's activity is characterized by a slight dependence on financial and economic conditions, as well as the market environment. Probability of return of deposits – very high.

In order to determine the rating assessment, individual qualitative and quantitative indicators of MTB BANK were compared with the average indicators of the banking system of Ukraine and with the corresponding indicators of similar banks from the "Rurik" NRA database.  provided by PJSC "MTB BANK" internal information and financial reporting for January 1, 2016 – 04/01/2021 inclusive, as well as public information and proprietary databases.

The following factors influenced the increase in ratings:

– Acceptable diversification of the Bank's client loan portfolio by the largest

by borrowers, which reduces the Bank's sensitivity to credit risk.

– Acceptable quality of the client's credit portfolio. As of 04/01/2021, specific

the weight of loans to legal entities of class 1-6 was 72% of client credit


– High quality portfolio of securities. As of April 1, 2021, a portfolio of valuable

The Bank's papers were represented by OVDP and NBU deposit certificates.

– High share of commission (risk-free) income in total income

Bank. The coefficient of risk-free cost coverage as of April 1, 2021 was 47%

at the recommended minimum of 10%.

‒ Availability of significant competitive advantages in the market of banking services. As of April 1, 2021, the Bank was one of the three institutions that have the status of a guarantor for providing financial guarantees to ensure the payment of customs payments when goods are imported into the customs territory of Ukraine or moved through the territory of goods in transit.

– A high level of financial transparency and information openness of the Bank, which is reflected in the detailed and comprehensive disclosure of information necessary for determining the credit rating. This makes it possible to reduce the degree of uncertainty regarding the financial and economic activity of the Bank and to better assess its creditworthiness.

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