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Offer to vote and get an award?

Offer to vote and get an award? - photo - mtb.ua

Fraudsters distribute phishing links and force you to click on them under various pretexts.

For example, they conduct fake polls and votes on various topics, for which you can allegedly receive a reward, for example, in the amount of 500 hryvnias. You go to the site to cast your vote for your favorite brand and you are offered to enter a login and password for your own page in social networks.

All! You are on the hook, and your page has been stolen.

Fraudsters can then use your page for further scams: ask for a loan, for the "treatment" of your loved ones and commit many other crimes - they have a lot of imagination.

How to protect yourself from fraudsters?

Do not trust the offers according to which you can get money in a few clicks. Scammers usually offer easy money.
Check the information on official websites if it is a known brand.
Don't click on links from strangers and be careful about links sent to you by friends. Remember, scammers could have hacked your friend's page.

To protect your own pages in social networks:

set up multi-factor authentication.
do not enter your logins and passwords from accounts on unfamiliar and suspicious sites;
create complex and unique passwords for each account.

If you have become a victim of fraud, fill out the feedback form on the cyber police website: https://ticket.cyberpolice.gov.ua/.

More information about payment security rules on the website #ShakhraiGoodbay: https://promo.bank.gov.ua/stopfraud/.

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