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Duty branches of PJSC "MTB BANK" - Power Banking >>>

MTB Bank received the highest rating from the Credit Rating RA in terms of deposit reliability

MTB Bank received the highest rating from the Credit Rating RA in terms of deposit reliability - photo - mtb.ua

How do our investors feel?
Safety, confidence, reliability.

Rating agencies regularly check whether it is worth keeping money in Ukrainian banks. And we regularly receive confirmation that our bank – definitely worth it!

 The other day MTB Bank once again  confirmed its highest rating in the deposit reliability rating -  5 (high reliability).

This is pleasant for us, and we are extra  Since we want to say "Thank you" to each of our investors for their trust!

RA "Credit-Rating" is the first specialized rating agency in Ukraine, which provides services for determining independent ratings of business entities and local governments according to the National Rating Scale. The agency's ratings are officially recognized by the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine.

To assign a rating, comprehensive indicators of banks' activities are analyzed:
- financial and economic and their dynamics (profit margin, return on assets and capital, income structure)
- capitalization level
- compliance with NBU regulatory requirements
- etc.

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