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MTB Bank: the first case of financing of condominiums!

MTB Bank: the first case of financing of condominiums! - photo - mtb.ua

MTB Bank signed the first loan agreement to finance the project OSBB "YASKRAVYI LVIV" in Lviv.

Thanks to the joint work of MTB Bank and support programs, the OSBB will install a local solar power plant that will provide electricity to the building's critical infrastructure:
• elevators,
• lighting of common areas,
• pumps.

What made this project possible?

  • The program “Affordable loans 5-7-9%” from the Entrepreneurship Development Fund — loan at 7% per annum in hryvnia.
  •  ""GRINDIM"" program from the Energy Efficiency Fund — coverage of up to 70% of the cost of equipment and materials.
  •  "Warm House" program of the Lviv City Council — compensation of up to 30% of the loan amount.

    These mechanisms allowed the condominium to minimize the financial burden on residents:
    • The residents' own contribution was only 1800 UAH/apartment (504 thousand UAH).
    • 100% repayment of the principal debt will be made through reimbursements from the Energy Efficiency Fund and the Lviv City Council.

    What will residents receive after the project is implemented?
  • Electricity savings: 27,000 kWh per year, which is equivalent to 117 thousand UAH.
  • Energy independence
  • Improvement of the environment through the use of renewable energy.
  • Increased investment attractiveness of the property

    This is a great example of how a combination of financial instruments and a responsible approach by residents can change the future of a building.

    Are you planning to implement energy-efficient technologies in your condominium?
    MTB The bank is ready to help! Contact us and we will develop the optimal solution for you.
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