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How to teach a child to handle money properly?

How to teach a child to handle money properly? - photo - mtb.ua

Financial literacy — is an important skill that should be instilled from childhood. This will help children avoid financial mistakes in the future and confidently plan their expenses.

Here are some simple tips:

Pocket money. Allocate a fixed amount and explain that this is their budget, which they need to manage independently.

Dream bank. Explain that for large purchases, such as a toy or gadget, you need to save up.

Shopping game. In a playful way, explain the cost of goods and the limited budget.

Shopping planning. Make a wish list together and choose priorities.

Family budget. Share the basics of spending so that your child understands that money is not only an expense, but also a responsibility.

Develop a responsible attitude towards money easily and interestingly! What are your methods? Share your ideas!

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