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Online banking for business
Duty branches of PJSC "MTB BANK" - Power Banking >>>

We treat the needs and wishes of our clients with respect, so we implement an individual approach in working with everyone!

We treat the needs and wishes of our clients with respect, so we implement an individual approach in working with everyone! - photo - mtb.ua

We treat the needs and wishes of our customers with respect, so we implement an individual approach in working with everyone!
From 01.05, the new conditions of the package for FOPs "Modern Entrepreneur" came into effect.
Waiting for you:
- Opening an FOP account, as well as the first personal card account – free! Regardless of the time of payment, and with us, we remind you, it is 24/7
- The first 10 transfers per month on behalf of clients – free!
- Commission for each subsequent transfer up to UAH 100,000 – only 5 UAH!
- Commission for trade acquiring -1.3% + 150 UAH/month subscription fee for the terminal
- There is no commission for enrollment in salary projects!

The fee for bundled service and use of all benefits is UAH 150 per month! Choose the "Modern entrepreneur" package from MTB Bank and get all the necessary financial support for your business!
Contact our specialists right now to get a detailed consultation and arrange a package https://t.me/MTB_ClientSupport24_Bot

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