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"Card of Cherkasy" from MTB Bank: the key to the digital transformation of the city

"Card of Cherkasy" from MTB Bank: the key to the digital transformation of the city - photo - mtb.ua

The event, which had been talked about in Cherkasy for several years, finally happened. This year, one of the leading banks of Ukraine, MTB Bank, implemented a project together with Visa and "SMART-TICKET TECHNOLOGY" to issue multifunctional payment cards for residents of Cherkasy.

The chairman of the board of MTB Bank Yuriy Kralov and the mayor of Cherkassy Anatoly Bondarenko signed a memorandum of cooperation, which provides for the efforts of the parties to implement joint projects in Cherkassy, including the development of municipal transport infrastructure and electronic services.

- We feel a great responsibility to the community of Cherkasy and are ready to invest in projects that are useful for people, - emphasized the Chairman of the Management Board of MTB Bank Yuriy Kralov. - We have experience, there are requests from society, and we want to create something new. I hope that our product will become a kind of platform that will bring businesses together.

- It is good that even in such a difficult period for Ukraine, during the war, there is a business that takes risks, creates new jobs and supports the economic rear. Moreover, we are ready to be social partners of our city and invest in socially important projects, Anatoliy Bondarenko emphasized.

The digital transformation of the Cherkasy community began precisely with the "Card of Cherkasy", which is both a payment bank card and a travel document.

According to Anatoly Bondarenko, the families of Ukrainian defenders will be the first to receive the "Cards of Cherkasy".

- "Cherkassia card" is the basis for a general municipal card, which will contain large-scale social programs, accumulate benefits, discounts in municipal institutions, private services, - noted the first deputy mayor Serhii Tyshchenko. - Our cooperation with MTB Bank is one of the examples of a socially responsible business that does not think, but makes decisions and works for the development of the community.

The "Cherkassia card" can already be issued at the Cherkassy branch of MTB Bank, in addition, it is possible to get it at the Central Administrative Office or directly at the city hall. You will need to take a passport or a document that replaces it, an identification number, a document that confirms the status of a beneficiary or employment in an organization registered in Cherkasy.

The branch of MTB Bank, which opened a month ago and provides a full range of banking services, is located at the address: str. Ostafia Dashkovycha, 30/Shevchenko Boulevard, 224. Citizens are waiting there from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (on weekdays). By the way, there is a 24-hour ATM and depository safes where you can store valuables, documents and other important assets.

Reference: MTB BANK PJSC has been operating on the financial market of Ukraine for 29 years and provides a full range of banking services to retail and corporate clients in 14 regions of Ukraine. Deposit reliability rating at the highest level. Winner of the XIV All-Ukrainian competition "Bank of the Year -2022" in the nomination "Digital-step in wartime conditions".

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