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Online banking for business
Duty branches of PJSC "MTB BANK" - Power Banking >>>

The Kherson branch is offline again!

The Kherson branch is offline again! - photo - mtb.ua

From today we resume our work in the hero city of Kherson.

Generator and Starlink are up and running, so we are ready to provide  a full range of banking services, a cash register and an ATM are working.   

Also, to support the indomitable people of Kherson, we made special tariffs of only UAH 1 for most operations, including for business. (tariffs)

Opening doors at 10:00 and we are open until 15:00, from Monday to Friday. 

And while our specialists will serve you, you can recharge your gadgets.

Together to Victory!

Together to Victory!

Your MTB Bank

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