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Ilya Klymovych, #LegendaryTeam!

Ilya Klymovych, #LegendaryTeam! - photo - mtb.ua

Meet the #LegendaryTeam!

Ilya Klymovych, Deputy Chairman of the Board, area of responsibility - IT and innovations.

Vocation is an innovator

I came to the bank for the first time in 2002. Then he worked in other financial institutions, but first love does not rust  ! Having gained a lot of experience, he returned to his native bank in 2018 and became the Deputy Chairman of the Board.

Three strong qualities?
- Responsibility, critical and "process" thinking

Harmful/bad habit that gets in the way?
I read very little, most often the phone and social networks interfere

What advice would you give to your 20-year-old self?
- Pay more attention to the latest unusual technologies.

Your perfect day?
- When I got something new: knowledge, impression, result.

What is your hobby/sport?
- I really like mountain walks, classic and beach volleyball

How do you see the bank in 5 years?
- I really want our bank to become a magnet for talents, for those who want to try something new and are not afraid of responsibility.

Why did you choose banking? Isn't it boring after so much time?
- Long story :) the thin book "Theoretical Foundations of Inflation" became a spark, I saw it on the table in the living room at the age of 14, read it in an hour and really liked it, then I started reading a little about the nature of money, banks, the banking system. Therefore, when choosing a university, everything was decided. In the bank, you can always find horizontal and vertical development for yourself.

Give life or financial advice to our subscribers:
- The first advice: the state does not owe you anything, and you must provide for your treatment, pension and your family yourself.

The second: look for knowledge in books, do not take information from social networks as reliable.

Third: if you have a business idea, try to implement it. Even the good old idea of feeding people can be implemented by you better than anything on the market today. Because: the idea is 5%, implementation is 95%.

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