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Financial planning for the year: How to choose a goal that can be achieved

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Financial planning for the year: How to choose a goal that can be achieved - photo -

Assess your options
This is the first step. Let's take a look at the real state of your finances: income, expenses, savings. This will help not only to understand where you are now, but also what resources can be directed to achieve the goal.

Formulate a clear and realistic goal
Determine what exactly you want to achieve: it could be building a reserve fund, investing, or saving up for a big purchase. It is important that the goal is realistic and achievable within one year.

Divide the tasks by months
Yurii Kralov advises you to create a plan for the year and determine exactly what you will do each month. It can be small achievements that lead to a big goal.

Be flexible
Life throws up surprises, so review your plan regularly. Sometimes the goal needs to be changed a little — and that's okay. Always  leave a reserve for unforeseen situations.

And the main advice from Yuriy Kralov - take your time. Achieving a financial goal — it is a process that requires patience, discipline and flexibility  

And MTB Bank will be happy to help and support you on this way.

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