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Information on submitting to the Bank notifications

A borrower who belongs to a protected category and has a desire to stop interacting with the Bank during the period of martial law in Ukraine and within 90 days from the date of its termination or cancellation, his relatives, representatives, heirs, guarantors or property guarantors must notify the Bank of such expression of will and about the Borrower's belonging to a protected category using any means of communication, the details of which are posted at https://www.mtb.ua/contacts, with the provision of copies of supporting documents about the Borrower's belonging to a protected category.

Protected categories are:

a) servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, other military formations formed in accordance with the laws of Ukraine and special law enforcement agencies, the State Special Transport Service, the State Service of Special Communication and Information Protection of Ukraine, who are serving military service on the territory of Ukraine;

b) military personnel who became disabled as a result of an illness associated with military service, or as a result of an illness after their release from military service associated with military service;

c) family members of servicemen who died, died or went missing;

d) persons who are in captivity, persons with whom contact has been lost, persons who have gone missing.

Confirming documents that the Borrower belongs to a protected category are:

for servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, other military formations formed in accordance with the laws of Ukraine and special law enforcement agencies, the State Special Transport Service, the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine, who are serving military service on the territory of Ukraine, - signed by the commander (chief, the head) or the person replacing him, of the relevant structural unit in which such a serviceman is serving, or the head of the territorial recruitment and social support center, which carried out measures to recruit the consumer for military service, a certificate in the form prescribed by Appendix No. 2 sealed with a seal to this Law. It is allowed to draw up a handwritten certificate;
for military servicemen who became disabled as a result of an illness related to military service, or as a result of an illness after their release from military service related to military service, a certificate of war disabled person;
for family members of servicemen who died or died - a certificate of a family member of the deceased;
for persons who are in captivity, persons with whom contact has been lost, persons who have disappeared, for family members of military personnel who have disappeared - information provided by a state enterprise that performs the functions of the National Information Bureau, that the person is held captive or held hostage by the aggressor state, or entered in the register as one with whom contact has been lost, or is missing.

The Bank has the right to apply for confirmation of information regarding the Borrower's belonging to a protected category to the central executive body under which the structural unit in which the Borrower serves, the territorial recruitment and social support center, which carried out measures to draft the consumer for military service, the state of an enterprise that performs the functions of the National Information Bureau - regarding information that a person is held captive or is being held hostage by the aggressor state, or is included in the register as one with whom contact has been lost, or has disappeared.

A borrower who has lost belonging to a protected category is obliged to notify the Bank about this within 30 calendar days from the day of losing belonging.

After receiving a notification about the loss of belonging to a protected category or a response to a request indicating that the Borrower does not belong to a protected category, the Bank has the right to resume interaction on its own initiative with such a Borrower, his relatives, the Borrower's representative, third parties, interaction with whom stipulated by the consumer credit agreement of such Borrower and who have consented to such interaction.

Additional information can be found at: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/2459-20#Text

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