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Online banking for business
Duty branches of PJSC "MTB BANK" - Power Banking >>>

Credit card "Motion"

from 3000
Annual rate during the grace period 0.001% real rate outside the grace period 83.53%
12 months with extension

Minimal interest, a credit limit from UAH 3,000 to UAH 300,000, no fines, and many other advantages are all the "RUH" credit card for retail business clients from MTB BANK. You can also use "CashWash" to receive additional funds for consumer needs.

Calculator for the credit program «Ruh»



card type: Visa Gold Credit Card card validity period: 3 years;

currency: UAH;

monthly RCO fee: not charged;

annual RCO fee: not charged;

irreducible account balance: none;

interest accrued on the account balance:not accrued;

cash replenishment of the account at the Bank's cash desk: no commission;

cashless transfer of funds: no commission;

Annual rate during the grace period 0.001% Real rate outside the grace period 83.53%

Monthly payment 5% of the credit limit amount

cash withdrawal in cash desks/ATMs and branches of PJSC "MTB BANK": 1% (own funds) / 4% min. 20 UAH. (credit funds)

cash withdrawals at cash desks/ATMs of other banks in Ukraine: 2.5%+5 UAH. (own funds) / 5.5% min. 25 UAH. (credit funds)

additional services and commissions are not provided.

Warnings and possible consequences

Warnings and possible consequences for the client in case of using the service or failure to fulfill his obligations under the service agreement
Credit card "RUH"
1) upon receipt of a loan:
- The Borrower returns the loan amount in accordance with the terms of the agreement and the requirements of the legislation of Ukraine;
- the Borrower incurs expenses in the form of interest, commissions and other payments for the Bank's services in accordance with the terms of the loan agreement.
2) in case of untimely repayment of the loan debt or other violations of the terms of the agreement:
- penalties (penalty, fine, penalty) may be applied to the Borrower in accordance with the terms of the loan agreement;
- in cases specified in the loan agreement, the Bank has the right to demand early repayment of payments under the consumer loan and compensation for losses caused to it by breach of obligation;
- The Bank has the right to contact collection companies acting in the interests of the Bank.
The client has the opportunity to refuse to receive the Bank's advertising materials provided through remote electronic service channels by contacting the nearest branch or calling the Bank's hotline at 0 8 00 500 255.

Loan (credit card) application

After You have sent an application, a Bank officer will call you and inform you about the procedure of execution of the service package in the Bank department.

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