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Online banking for business
Duty branches of PJSC "MTB BANK" - Power Banking >>>

External economic activity is not easy, long and nervous?!

External economic activity is not easy, long and nervous?! - photo -

With us, it will be as comfortable, fast and professional as possible.
Why? Because we have been in this business for almost 30 years

See for yourself:

examination and agreement of foreign exchange contracts in the shortest possible time
automatic sale of currency in 24/7 mode and crediting of hryvnias within a few minutes! (and this is not fiction, but reality!)
direct correspondent relations in major currencies and the choice of the fastest payment route
competent currency control with an individual approach to the client
personal currency manager

If you're not already working with us on EZ, let's fix that, at least so you have a comparison)

Therefore, we are waiting for you in our branches, or just write to our support service and we will gladly help you solve your international financial issues and more :)

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