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Duty branches of PJSC "MTB BANK" - Power Banking >>>

Order a National cashback card from MTB Bank and support Ukrainian!

Order a National cashback card from MTB Bank and support Ukrainian! - photo - mtb.ua

Do you like to shop for Made in UA products? Then this card is for you!

Order the National Cashback card in the MTB360 application.
Connect your main MTB Bank cards to the program.
Purchase Ukrainian-made goods.
Receive 10% cashback from the state, but no more than 3000 UAH per month, on the National Cashback card.
Take a step towards profitable purchases and support Ukrainian manufacturers.

«Winter eSupport» is also with us! Get 1000 UAH on the National Cashback from MTB Bank card and spend it on paying for utilities, medical and other services, buying Ukrainian books, medicines or donating to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Don't delay – open the National Cashback from MTB Bank card and get additional benefits!

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