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Duty branches of PJSC "MTB BANK" - Power Banking >>>

"Made in the Odessa region"

"Made in the Odessa region"  - photo - mtb.ua

MTB Bank operates in 12 regions of our country, but was first created and started in the Odessa region, so receiving a Certificate for the right to use the sign "Made in the Odessa region" from Sergey Grinevetsky, the Head of the Odessa Regional State Administration, is quite symbolic.

The sign was introduced on the initiative of the Association of employers' organizations of the Odessa region and with the support of the Odessa Regional State Administration.

"MTB bank became the first representative of the financial sector in the region to receive a Certificate for the sign "Made in the Odessa region", - said Rostislav Ivanov, Deputy Chairman of the Bank's Management Board. "We are pleased to be among the best employers in the Odessa region."

According to the Head of the Odessa Regional State Administration, this project brings a certain positive competition in the Odessa region, among local producers and local firms, organizations and institutions. Sergey Grinevetsky is sure,- it demonstrates patriotism and shows a strong state regional policy in action.

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