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Duty branches of PJSC "MTB BANK" - Power Banking >>>

For the attention of clients - owners of accounts in securities

VIP Banking
For the attention of clients - owners of accounts in securities - photo -

Dear clients!
In connection with the changes in the current legislation of Ukraine, the decision of the Board of PJSC "MTB BANK" No. 60 dated 07/19/2021 a new edition of the Agreement on maintenance of the securities account (hereinafter - the Agreement) was approved. Please read the text of the Agreement and the current Service Tariffs at the link: (
You have the right to terminate the Securities Account Maintenance Agreement without paying an additional commission fee for its termination by sending PJSC "MTB BANK" (hereinafter – the Bank) of a written notice of such termination to the address: 65026, Odessa, Polsky Uzviz, 11. of the new version of the Agreement, the Client is considered to have accepted and agreed with the proposed version of the Agreement. The new version of the Agreement shall enter into force on the 16th (sixteenth) calendar day from the moment the Bank sends you a notification about the approval of the Agreement in the new version.

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