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Cooperation between banks and the state promotes the development of small and medium-sized businesses

Cooperation between banks and the state promotes the development of small and medium-sized businesses - photo -

In honor of the professional holiday of bank employees  The head of the Odesa regional state administration, Serhiy Hrynevetskyi, handed over to the representatives of the banks that are actively working within the framework of state lending programs for small and medium-sized businesses in the region,  Certificates of honor of the Odesa Regional State Administration.

The manager of  CV PJSC "MTB BANK" received the award. in Odesa, Stanislav Lyashenko, who noted: "MTB BANK has long been a participant in the preferential lending program for small and medium-sized businesses of the Odesa Regional State, under which entrepreneurs receive compensation in the amount of half the interest rate specified in the loan agreement." The program is aimed at stimulating competitive business and increasing the share of products with high added value that are produced in Odesa region.».

Serhii Hrynevetsky emphasized that cooperation between banks and the state has proven itself well over the past quarter of a century. At first, no one believed that the state would compensate the share of business loans, but now this practice  has already helped launch new domestic brands and create additional jobs.

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