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Hello everyone!
My name is Olga Kolesnikova and I am glad to welcome you to our exciting world of finance! I am the head of the Financial Monitoring Department at MTB Bank, and today I want to share with you a part of my professional journey, which has become my true passion and inspires me every day.
My professional path in the banking sector of more than 20 years is not easy and certainly interesting. As a schoolgirl I felt that banking – this is what i want to do. This dream became my reference point and directed me to Odessa National University of Economics, where I studied specialty "Banking". The first steps in education were just the beginning of a great journey that has led me to today.
While still a student, I started my career at MTB Bank, where every day brought new challenges and opportunities for growth.
I remember my first steps in banking when I worked as a customer service manager - everything seemed new and unfamiliar . It was exciting and a little scary at the same time. But I was ready for learning and improvement, which became the basis for my professional development. MTB Bank remains the only place of work for me.
I am convinced that the key aspect of success is ability to adapt to changes and learn new things. The world of finance is constantly changing, and it is important to be ready for new challenges and innovations. That is why I am always open to new ideas and technologies that help us improve our work and provide even greater security for our customers.
I hope my story and experience will be useful and inspire you in your own professional journeys.
Balance between work and personal life
MTB Bank is always at your side, providing not only high-quality services, but also taking care of your safety.
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