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Online banking for business
Duty branches of PJSC "MTB BANK" - Power Banking >>>

New services at MTB Office for sole traders and legal entities!

New services at MTB Office for sole traders and legal entities! - photo - mtb.ua

We are constantly working to make for our services more accessible and convenient for you.  

From September 2024, we are pleased to introduce several new chips that are already available in our MTB Office.    

Regulation of term deposits and deposit lines online.
Opening an overnight deposit, term deposit or deposit line and its tranches is now even easier and more accessible! A few clicks, and in a few minutes your new deposit agreement is fully executed. An additional advantage of making a deposit online is the availability of the service until 11 p.m. After the deposit period expires, the deposit will be returned automatically to your current account.

Replenishment of deposits
If you already have a deposit - easily replenish it at a time convenient for you through our service at MTB Office.  Receive  income even for small amounts, with a term from the 1st day at favorable rates from MTB Bank.

MTB Bank is your reliable friend and partner at every step towards financial success.  

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