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Online banking for business
Duty branches of PJSC "MTB BANK" - Power Banking >>>

Everyone can bring victory closer!

Everyone can bring victory closer! - photo - mtb.ua

MTB Bank offers all those who are not indifferent to purchase war bonds, which can significantly support the country's budget during the war.

The proceeds from the bonds will be used to meet the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and uninterrupted provision of the financial needs of the state under martial law.

As of 04/06/2022, the following instruments are available:

The first auction for the sale of military bonds took place on March 1, 2022, from the sale of which UAH 8.1 billion was raised to the state budget. The Ministry of Finance continues to hold regular auctions for the sale of military bonds.

Anyone wishing to support Ukraine can purchase bonds with the help of MTB Bank.

How to do it? We offer two ways, the first one is:

Our manager will contact you to resolve the issue of purchasing securities.


  • visit the nearest branch of MTB BANK with your passport and code (the list of working branches is updated daily here: https://bit.ly/3D3flrN )
  • open a securities account (or use an existing one)

By buying military government bonds, every Ukrainian will be able to support our heroic defenders and save their lives!

Everything will be Ukraine!


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