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Online banking for business
Duty branches of PJSC "MTB BANK" - Power Banking >>>

YourCash: cash was ours – will be yours!

YourCash: cash was ours – will be yours!  - photo - mtb.ua

To pay a child`s tuition, to renovate the apartment, to have a vacation on some islands or to order a car from Europe? Choose it right now – your decision will be put into action with YourCash!

YourCash is a loan up to 300 000 Hryvnias without any mortgage or security at an affordable rate for individuals and sole proprietors (individuals-entrepreneurs).

YourCash Loan is an opportunity to spend money on your own. As opposed to a purpose loan that one can get for purchasing some specific goods or services, a non-purpose loan makes it possible to freely use money and pay for different considerable purchases.

Clients receiving their salaries through an account opened with the PJSC ‘MTB BANK’ get a service of direct debit transfers from their payroll accounts to the transit account in the size of a monthly loan payment and interest for paying back a loan. You just need to download the bank mobile application ‘МТВ360’.

Details and prompt order of YourCash 

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