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Forum of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)

Forum of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) - photo - mtb.ua

The other day, the most influential forum devoted to the development of Central and Eastern Europe was held in Vienna. Yuriy Artemenko, a member of the Supervisory Board of our bank, and Rimma Azarov, head of the International Business Department, took part in his work together with the government delegation, CEOs of leading banks and companies of Ukraine.

Among the main topics of the forum were:

- State financing: sovereign borrowers
- 2024: will it be a good year for banks?

Particular attention was paid to Ukraine - the following were discussed:

- restoration of Ukraine (Economy of war)
- practical aspects of the reconstruction of the country

Yurii Artemenko noted: "The forum was very useful and the main thing is that Ukraine is returning to the international level, it is very important to be on the agenda of the financial world market. This gives us many opportunities and prospects for growth."

For 29 years, the Forum of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) has united more than 1,000 issuers, investors, intermediaries and politicians from the CEE countries and other countries.

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