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The "Hot Summer" promotion started in the bank on June 1

The "Hot Summer" promotion started in the bank on June 1 - photo -

Every day, we all see with you that the enemy is not able to defeat our soldiers on the battlefield and tries to make us as painful as possible by directing missiles at ports, infrastructure, enterprises, and residential areas.

Rockets hitting the historic center of Odesa, which is protected by UNESCO, is the pain of every Ukrainian
Two of our departments were also damaged, but we are strong, we will overcome everything and restore everything.

We are capable of incredible deeds to bring Victory closer.

That is why employees of MTB Bank took the initiative to transfer their one-day earnings every summer month to help our soldiers - real heroes!

The "Hot Summer" promotion started in the bank on June 1. In June alone, we collected about 800,000 hryvnias. And we are sure that there are many people who care like us.

Therefore, we appeal to our banking colleagues, business circles and state institutions: join this initiative and involve your teams.

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