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How a student can achieve financial stability and feel financial freedom: advice from Gennady Tyschenko

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How a student can achieve financial stability and feel financial freedom: advice from Gennady Tyschenko - photo -

You should immerse yourself in the world of finance while still young. Study finance and statistics, because this knowledge will be the basis for making the right decisions in the future.
Take courses, read books and articles, follow economic news.
Watch the numbers: a daily analysis of your expenses, income and savings will help you keep your finger on the pulse of your own finances.
Use budgeting apps to get a clear picture of your finances.
Financial stability requires persistence and determination.
Set goals and work to achieve them.
Knowledge of foreign languages ​​opens up new opportunities for employment and business – it's an investment in your future.
Communicate with fans of your business. Find like-minded people and discuss financial issues with them. This will help you stay motivated and find new ideas. Avoid lazy people, because laziness can be the worst enemy on the way to financial stability.
Surround yourself with active and goal-oriented people . Don't be afraid to make decisions.
Experience, even if it is sometimes negative, will teach you valuable lessons.

Hennadiy reminds: a perfect day – this is the day when the decisions made bring positive results.
Following these tips, you can achieve financial stability and feel real financial freedom.

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